Xaela Omnimage Aspirant


The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.


Currently -- Arcane Chef, Spearsong Distillery.
General Demeanor -- Intense, asocial, curious
RP Hooks
Omnimage - A strange flux of aether surrounds him--a taste of every spell on the tongue.
Oronir - From one of the largest Xaela tribes out there.
Anaxes - A small dragon whelpling perches on his shoulder.


Name: Jagadai Oronir
Race: Xaela
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Romance/Sexuality: Heteromantic Gray-asexual.
Canon Jobs: Black Mage, Red Mage, Arcanist, Conjurer, Astrologian
Appearance -- Orange eyes with redder limbals. Dark hair with purple highlights. Shorter for male Xaela, but just as built.
Personality Quirks: Intense, but curious. Discuss fauna and magic with him and he'll be happy. Hit on him and he'll just be confused. Blunt, but cordial.
Aether: A flowing web of many colors, almost hypnotic.